24/7 Property Relief

how do i know if i need flood insurance

14 Nov Good to Know: Flood Insurance Basics

Photo by: Curationpics

Good to Know: Flood Insurance Basics

Do you have flood insurance? Do you need it? Here are a few points to keep in mind:

  • Areas that are considered high-risk are required by the federal government to have flood insurance. Check with your local government to see if this applies to you.
  • The insured building and its contents are generally covered, but there are always exceptions. Check with your insurance agent for a full list of coverage.
  • Flood insurance premiums must be paid in one complete payment for the entire year.
  • Coverage spans for the full twelve months following payment.
  • A 30 day waiting period applies. There can be a few exemptions, check with your insurance provider for more information.
  • Proof of primary residency is generally required when filing a claim.


While flood insurance is not always required, it is always a good idea (See: What Does Flood Insurance Cover?). Having insurance will help you rest easy knowing that if something does happen, you will be covered. KADE Restoration will work with your insurance company to restore your property after any flooding that occurs.