13 Oct How to Handle Floods From El Nino
Photo by Matt
How to Handle Floods From El Nino
El Nino happens every few years when the water along the equator is warmer than average. This warmer water creates weather patters that increase rain and snowfall for us in California. Currently the water along the equator is 5 degrees warmer than it should be.
PLEASE NOTE: There is a 95% chance that we will have an El Nino storms for fall 2015 and winter 2016. This will cause flooding, mudslides, roof leaks, and major structural damage in California. Sometimes your insurance policy does not cover damage to your property from storms or exterior flooding. Here is what you can do to prepare for the bad weather:
1. Look at getting flood insurance and reviewing your policy. Do you have coverage if the back yard floods into your home?
2. Clean out your gutters.
3. Have your roof scuppers, valleys, and intersections cleared of debris.
4. Make sure your landscapes drains are working properly and no items like trash cans or pots are covering them.
5. Review your yard drainage and see if you have obstructed the water on accident.
6. Replace old weather stripping in doors and windows.
7. Take a video of your home and all of your contents for documentation.
8. Have a plan of action in place if the property floods.
9. During heavy rains, move valuables to the second floor or higher areas to avoid damage.
10. In case of Flooding, Call KADE Restoration immediately to minimize the damage 949-366-3330